This journey has been so amazing and the best almost-year I've ever had with my hair, but it has also been very stressful for me. I've had to balance school work, track, and making sure my hair looks presentable at all times. I've not always been successful, but I'm getting better the more I practice and experience. For example, this morning I took down a twist out that looked horrible by itself. I used to do twist outs all the time and or would come out so pretty and soft, but as I got more new.growth, they started to come out crazy-looking. I took a lost headband and wrapped it twice around my hair and pushed.back until I got a cute curly ponytail. Stuff like that happens all the time, and I've gotten better at "saving" a hairstyle than executing one. Lol but, I can't say I'm not excited for this school year to end and I can finally enjoy my natural hair. :)
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Almost 11 months! :D
So I've not been very responsible with this blog but I'm going to step up my game and my youtube/fotki postings. I'm quickly coming to my year anniversary for transitioning, and I'm soooo excited!!! This has been an amazing journey so far. My urge to big chop is growing each day, but I'm thinking end of junior year would be ideal. It would give me the summer to learn how to work with my hair and I would have 18 months of growth under my belt. Remeber to check my fotki for hair styles and my youtube for vids!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
nonono NO TWISTS!!
Monday, June 11, 2012
This weekend
So guys, I just bought this lock and twist gel and thought about doing two strand twists as a week long hairstyle. Since I night it sunday, the day after.i usually wash my hair, I'll just have to wait for until thursday, since I'm not going into work friday. ill post a picture if it comes out good. If I don't you guys know why. Lol I'll cowash on thursday and then so the twists and sit under the dryer. I feel pretty good about this, I did a few practice ones on dry hair and they held up good and were really soft. I can't wait to see how they end up! :D
Friday, June 8, 2012
New vids
Hey guys, by this evening I should have 3 new videos up. Make sure u look out for them :)
My youtube username is: TRSloveable
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Almost 6 months!
Hi everyone, I havent posted as often as I would like to because my internet is down and I just got a new phone. I'm VERY excited about my half-year anniversary and I have to say that this is one puts the best things I could have done for myself. I'm loving seeing my new growth come in. I can barely keep my hands out of my hair nowadays, and im just getting more and more excited as time goes by. I'm setting my goal for 1 and 1\2 years or two years, but things can change. I know that I can hold out for as long as I want to. This mark is important to me not only because it shows how much time has give by, but also because it's proof to myself and.everyone else who told me to just give it up that this is something that I am confident and determined on doing. This it's just the beginning. :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bantu Knot Out Week
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Still Straight :l
Friday, April 6, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Wash Day and 1st Length Check!
20 Min. Later
I washed out the deep conditioner in 4 sections, then I put my Cantu Leave In Conditioner, detangled, and twisted my four sections in two strand twists to dry. One thing I've noticed about my wash process is that I find it near impossible to wash my left side as thoroughly as I do my right side because I can't get my head fully under the tap of the tub. I've found that putting the shampoo and conditioner in the four parts, but rinsing in two parts is much easier for me. I used a brush to detangle instead of my usually wide-tooth comb, and a lot more hair came out with the brush than it usually would with the comb. My curiosity of detangling with a brush is officially over. lol (when I say brush, I mean something like below)
First Length Check!
OK before I go straight in, I have new info. My hair dried really fast in these past few months because I was using a regular towel, which I found out strips the moisture from hair and leaves dry. I was wondering why I would towel dry my hair and half my head already be dry. MY hair took like 2+ hours to dry, and this time I used a t-shirt to partially dry my hair. My hair no longer dripped after being dried by the t-shirt, but it was still full of water and moisture. When I researched the towel thing I found out, like a cotton pillowcase, the towel strips hair of moisture and even pulls on it, causing breakage.
Ok, on to the actual length check.
Front: 5 1/4 inches
Side: 8 inches
Back: 7 inches
Top: 8 inches
Not too shabby ehhh??? lol So after my hair dried, I braided it and tomorrow I will unravel it, twist the front part and tuck my ends under in a kind of princess-y style. Stay beautiful and loveable!!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Beach Day!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Almost 4 Months Post-Relaxer :)
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Kinky Twists
So maybe by tomorrow I will have kinky twists and leave my hair to do its job: grow and be healthy. I'm going to look up how to care for kinky twist so to not let this be an absolute nightmare when they come out.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
New Growth at 3 months post-relaxer
Sunday, March 4, 2012
New Hairstyle ;)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Not Consistent :P
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Twist Out
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Washed, Conditioned, Protein Treated, And Two Big Braids
I like to air dry my hair to minimize the heat I use on it, and when fingering my scalp, i can feel these really soft thick curls. I parted my hair down the middle so I could really see them and they are too adorable!!! I love that my new growth is coming in thick and strong, and I want to get better at taking care of my hair. Which is partly why I started this hair diary, so I can record my journey.
I did a deep treatment moisturizing protein condition under the dryer for about 12 minutes this week since I did a moisturizing deep condition last week. I can't really see how my hair is right now b/c it's wet and in two braids, but when I take them down I'll see how they come out.
I'm so happy that I'm doing this transition and my family is backing me up on this, kind of. Lol. My mom and uncle were like "why are you doing that?" and my dad is TOTALLY against it. I think my favorite line from him was "do you want to be bald-headed your senior year?" Lmao. Wow dad, first, I'm a sophomore, so I have two good years of hair-growing time. I won't be bald. Lol. Second, my new growth comes in pretty thick and fast, so I might even have a good sized fro by my senior year :) I can't wait. My hair has gotten shorter over the years. When I was younger, my hair was down my back, and after Katrina, My hair has steadily creeped upward until it rests on my shoulders and refuses to go any further down. I was thinking that maybe getting it healthy, and letting it be how it should be, I would see greater results with hair length and health.
2 hours later
Ok, So I'm a person that does not know what she wants to do until I actually do it. Lol. I undid my braids and watched a video about Bantu Knots on this Youtube channel KandeeLovesYa. I sat under the dryer for like 30 minutes and was too impatient so took down my hair. OMG!! My first successful Bantu Knot out!!!! Omg, it looked so pretty!!! I'll take pictures tomorrow and put it on the blog. I've tried like 3 times before to do it and it always turned out fuzzy and not curly all the way through. I finally got the hang of it, and I will definitely do it in the months to come. I'll also post a picture of my new growth curl pattern soon (It's not much but It's pretty and soft!) I redid my bantu knots since my hair is mostly dry, and will just wear my satin bonnet for the rest of the day.
OK, I know some people are having trouble with their family and how they react to our transitioning, so I wanted to talk about my mom for a second. Yeah, she seems to be cool with it, but there are times when she brings up alternatives to going natural, like stretching out my relaxers and just switching up hairstyles. She believes I'm just "bored" and want to experiment. But to me, this is something serious and something I really want to do. Maybe later on she'll 100% support me, but I guess it'll take a few more months of me showing her I can handle this before she jumps on the bandwagon.
That's really all I have to say so...Bye! :)
Friday, February 24, 2012
Hair Regimen so Far
Co- wash with conditioner on Wednesdays
My deep conditions will alternate from Protein to Moisture Deep Conditioners every other week
Moisturize daily
Cantu Shea Butter Leave in conditioner every night (does WONDERS for my hair!) b4 styling w/ protective styles
I have a lot of products that I've bought so far based off of videos I have seen, and most of them give me good results in my hair. Ummm, Maybe I will post a product blog.....
I don't have a lot of new growth, but it's enough that I can finger small curls at my roots. I'm so excited to see what my natural hair looks like and I hope it is pretty!!
P.s. My hair is shoulder length, the longest it's been in about 2 years since I cut it to chin length.
First Post, Second Month Of Transitioning
I am one hundred percent sure about my decision to go natural. I think that not only will my hair be happier, but so will I. My hair is so boring and unhealthy, and I'm ready for a change. It's February of 2012, and this is my year not only to be natural, but to be healthier, and better student, a better daughter, a better person. I have so many journeys I am embarking on this year, but this one is I want to document .
I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. I love that it's straight, that it's easy to detangle and style, but i hate that it is so thin and unhealthy looking at times. There are a LOT of girls at my school who are natural, and their hair is really full, thick and healthy, and I want that soooo badd! I want a big fro that when straight goes way past my shoulders. I want that length and thickness. Buttt...........this is a process that will take time. This I know, so that's why I'm starting this blog.
I want to avoid days like yesterday where I have nothing to do so research other people's hair journeys and feel the walls come in around me with pressure. I want to focus on myself, soul search a bit.
BTW, I'm a sophomore in high school so this is a really big change for me. I love my hair and cry when I have to cut it, but the prize at the end of this long journey is too big and great for me to be reluctant to cut off the relaxed ends.
Needless to say, I am NOT doing a big chop, I want to transition for a while and cut my hair when I'm ready (which most likely means when I have a good size afro XD). I've already have a plan so this should not be TOOO hard... I hope. lol