So today was slightly better than yesterday. Yesterday I had a small breakdown as I was researching information about transitioning. There was so much information and I felt pressured to have the results I expected now. I could't breathe and decided to turn off my computer and go to bed.
I am one hundred percent sure about my decision to go natural. I think that not only will my hair be happier, but so will I. My hair is so boring and unhealthy, and I'm ready for a change. It's February of 2012, and this is my year not only to be natural, but to be healthier, and better student, a better daughter, a better person. I have so many journeys I am embarking on this year, but this one is I want to document .
I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. I love that it's straight, that it's easy to detangle and style, but i hate that it is so thin and unhealthy looking at times. There are a LOT of girls at my school who are natural, and their hair is really full, thick and healthy, and I want that soooo badd! I want a big fro that when straight goes way past my shoulders. I want that length and thickness. Buttt...........this is a process that will take time. This I know, so that's why I'm starting this blog.
I want to avoid days like yesterday where I have nothing to do so research other people's hair journeys and feel the walls come in around me with pressure. I want to focus on myself, soul search a bit.
BTW, I'm a sophomore in high school so this is a really big change for me. I love my hair and cry when I have to cut it, but the prize at the end of this long journey is too big and great for me to be reluctant to cut off the relaxed ends.
Needless to say, I am NOT doing a big chop, I want to transition for a while and cut my hair when I'm ready (which most likely means when I have a good size afro XD). I've already have a plan so this should not be TOOO hard... I hope. lol
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